German Cities | Brochures - Newspapers - distribute flyers

Germany Map of cities

German Flag of German Translation

Modern, effective and target group

The best business idea, the lowest prices or the best quality - but it still has no one anything if no one knows about it.
Direct distribution plan! When distributing leaflets, flyers or newspapers planning is very important! Here we offer a quick overview of the SERVICE towns and statistics of districts, neighborhoods and districts by population, and zip codes bewerbbare households.
For questions about your Direct Distribution Planning: We help you to Quick SERVICE. Take us without contacton.
DISTRIBUTION of brochures, newspaper and flyers in MAILBOXES

You'll find the Large Area Map 950 pixels x 570 pixels, with adjustment of satellite Google Maps for Cities Germany ...more

Facts and figures cities germany (as of 2011)

Largest city Area: Berlin with 891,75 km²
Population Helpful: Berlin with 3.501.872 inhabitants
>100 000 inhabitants:ca. 80 Cities
Capital Germany: Berlin
state capitals: 16
Berlin- state of Berlin, Kiel- Bundesland Schleswig-Holstein,
Hamburg- state of Hamburg, Schwerin- Mecklenburg-Vorpommern,
Potsdam- Brandenburg, Berlin- Berlin, Hannover- Lower Saxony,
Margdeburg- Sachsen-Anhalt, Dusseldorf- North Rhine-Westphalia,
Dresden- Sachsen, Erfurt- Thuringia, Wiesbaden- Hesse,
Mainz- Rheinland-Pfalz, Saarbrücken- Saarland,
Stuttgart- Baden-Württemberg, Munich- Bavaria.

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